If you haven’t reached this milestone yet, you’ll be there before you know it. The way time is flying, 40 seems like yesterday, and no doubt, the next 10 years will be gone in a flash. Do you know what I mean?
With that in mind, and after almost 35 years in business, working closely with business owners, I’ve decided to create The SalesKit Project, to support business owners for the next 35 years and beyond :-)
This is a legacy project, for my children and grandchildren, and for all children and grandchildren who benefit from the SalesKit systems that our clients install.
Supporting business growth is essential, not just for families, but for the wider economy and for society as a whole.
By working together, to give businesses the advice, tools and support they need to succeed, we can make a real difference, for today, tomorrow and generations to come.
What is The SalesKit Project?
You can read more on our about page, but in a nutshell:
Through The SalesKit Project, we’ll use A.I. technology, Internet-based tools, and an inbound sales approach to inform, educate and support reputable businesses.
We’ll be partnering with like-minded business people and with organisations that share the same values as we do, focused on helping consumers make the right buying decisions, by sharing unbiased advice and informative, actionable content.
For businesses that require hands-on support, online tools or guided training, we’ll provide a suite of services to support their growth and continued success.
The SalesKit Project is about empowering consumers and businesses so that informed buying decisions can be made, for a more profitable, more supportive tomorrow.
Here’s to the next milestone in your business and life!
PS. Learn more on our SalesKit mission page.
Want More Info?
Email: billy@installdigital.co.uk